JAPAN AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO M321:1999Automotive parts -Air conditioning hose assemblies1. ScopeThi.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO D607:1999Automotive Parts-color code for wiring harness1. ScThis St.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO C712-82Bench Test Procedure for the Perance of PowerSteering Pump5.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASC406:2000Passenger car-braking deviceDynamometer test proceduresT his.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO G615-89Bench Test Procedures of SuspensionBall Joint for Independen.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASC406:2000Passenger car-braking deviceDynamometer test proceduresT his.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO D 610-93Selection of fuse-links for automobile wiringScope3) Limite.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO F403:2002Automobile parts- Flareless tube fittings1. ScopeThis Stan.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO C428:2001Road vehicles -Parking brake test procedure1. Scopehis Sta.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO D 605-96Electric connector for automobiles1 Scope2.2 Tab orientatio.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO D 002-9s of measurement of radio interferencecharacteristics of aut.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO C617:2002Automotive parts- Stabilizer bar1. ScopeThis standard appl.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO C611-93Suspension struts for automobiles1. Scol(1) Strut bodThis st.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO C717-91Bench test procedures of rack and pinion typemanual steering.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO M 610-92Cosmetic corrosion test for automotive partsope3. Type of t.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO D 612-97Blade type electric fuse-links for automobilesCorresponding.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO E107: 200Automotive V-belts and corresponding V-pulley groovesShape.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO D 611-94Low-tension cables with thin wall insulationfor automobiles.
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO C 605-97Coil springs for automobile suspension1. Stdeflection till .
JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARDJASO C716-90Bench Perance Test Procedure for Steering Shaft Join(3) Rota.